October 9, 2007

Web 2.ooh am I exhausted

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - In studying and/or promoting web-technology, the phrase 'Web 2.0 refers to a perceived second generation of web-based communities and hosted services — such as social-networking sites, wikis and folksonomies — which aim to facilitate collaboration and sharing between users. The term spread following the first O'Reilly Media Web 2.0 conference in 2004.

I pulled the above definition of Web 2.0 so that anyone reading this post could have a quick understanding of the term. But more importantly, it is included to give understanding to the efforts needed to be a Web 2.0 player or "social networker" in our new generation of web communities.

While sitting in my townhouse and setting up the many social-networking site accounts that I belong to (Facebook, Myspace, Vermont PR, PRSA,, Technorati, MyRagan) and the list goes on, the realization that in order to be a web 2.0 player much effort is needed to build profiles and create content on each of my social-networking sites. More importantly, once I have all these accounts set up, continual time will need to be invested in each of the accounts so that information is managed and updated on a regular basis. "Talk about a second or third job all by itself."

One neat idea that came to mind while building a database on my computer to keep track of all my social network accounts was that it would be really nice if someone developed a social-networking site content management program that allowed us to manage all our sites from one program. (If this already exists could anyone in the know recommend and comment about it so that I can begin using it for social-networking site management). The premise of the program should be similar to an offline blog editor (my favorite being Windows Live Writer) where many blog accounts can be managed from a single program.     

October 6, 2007

How do bloggers communicate

As a new blogger and communications consultant I am trained to communicate flawlessly with precise execution of spoken language.

However, as a member of society that is not how we communicate with each other. Flaws are everywhere. Sentences do not make sense, and use of words may even be incorrect.

One of my biggest concerns about blogging is that readers will see my writing flaws and discredit my thoughts. Errors in punctuation, mis-spelled words and maybe even non-complete sentences will happen from time to time. Should the reader expect perfection or look beyond the written text to the messages being published.

Do we as bloggers communicate our written posts according to a set of style rules similar to that of the newspapers? AP Style. Or Do we as bloggers communicate our written posts according to how we speak them?

Many fellow bloggers feel that we should communicate through our blog according to how we would communicate in person. On one of my favorite podcasts, "For Immediate Release" a brief discussion took place about how bloggers communicate when blogging and both Shel and Neville agreed that when they blog they write their posts as if speaking them to the reader.

I think that when we communicate via blogging spelling and grammar are important, but should not be the focus when determining if what the blogger communicates is valuable.

As more blogging happens the written word becomes better formulated with less errors, but the purpose of a blog is to communicate ideas, generate conversation and provide a publication outlet for everyone. Not just journalists, writers and professionals.

If this is true, then as a blogger will my written errors decrease the validity of my thoughts, messages and information being relayed thus discrediting my ideas within the posts?

I would love to have a comment on this thought to see what fellow bloggers feel about blog writing style.

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