September 29, 2007

Microsoft Virtual Earth Plugin

Map image

It is Saturday night and I am just about to go out with my crew, but first wanted to share this neat plugin offered with WL Writer. It allows you to attach a virtual earth and or map to a post. this would come in really handy for discussion with the need to show where the location is for an event, construction site, event and any other need for displaying a location. The above "Birds Eye" shot is of my house and you can see my vehicle parked in the driveway. The below is a map of Burlington's New North End.

I have to say this is a very neat plugin that adds value to many types of blog posts.

Map image

September 28, 2007


This was a test to see how Windows Live Mail works with the blog live writer. It's a neat program that allows you to post emails to your blog for further discussion. The whole Windows Live family has impressed me so far, and the Windows Live Mail is like Outlook, but with Web 2.0 applications built into the program such as (said above) blogging, RSS feeds brought to your inbox and much more. 


September 25, 2007

Test Post Using Windows Live Writer

DSC00095I am writing today utilizing Windows Live Writer to see what type of options are available with this powerful blog content editing software.

So far, set up was very simple. After downloading Microsoft NET 2.0, the downloading of Windows Live Writer Beta was a breeze. I am in the process of now setting up my blog configuration and testing the features of Live Writer.

More posts will come shortly after I get used to using this interesting and easily adaptable software.

Cheers! And as always, more new media observations to come.


P.S: Enjoy the photo from my vacation in the Gulf of Mexico from two weeks ago.